HRI Sponsors Summit on Human Trafficking

As the issues related to human trafficking in our country continue, so does HRI’s support towards movements to help bring these problems to an end. This September, HRI is proud to be one of the sponsors for the Texas Summit on Human Trafficking to take place in Dallas, TX:

Texas Summit on Human Trafficking 
Dallas, TX

Join CHILDREN AT RISK on September 15th as we survey the current state of anti-trafficking efforts in Texas. Local experts will follow the story of a young woman who was coerced into a life of exploitation in Houston, Dallas, and other cities throughout the country.

Her story will unfold into discussions concerning state and federal legislation, law enforcement and the juvenile justice system, regulation of sexually oriented businesses and much more.

Discussion among legislators, law enforcement, victim services providers, and other non-profit organizations will focus on the gaps, current trends, past successes, and future actions that need to be taken to ensure Texas’ children do not fall victim to this horrible crime.

Register Today!

Date: Thursday, September 15, 2011
Time: 9:00am – 3:00 pm

Location: Communities Foundation of Texas
5500 Caruth Haven Lane
Dallas, TX 75225

Cost: $90 for Attorneys; $50 for Non-profit or GovernmentAttorneys/Non-Attorney Professionals
CLE and CEU credits pending. Lunch will be provided.

For more information, please contact Steven Goff at or 713.869.7740.

This event is presented in partnership with

with the support of

ACH Child and Family Services
Boone Family  Foundation
BCFS International Children’s Services

Dallas City Hall-Code Compliance Division
Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center
Dallas Police Department
Embrey Family Foundation
Human Rights Initiative
Johnson Law Firm
Letot Center

Mosaic Family Services
Nazarene Organic Church Network

Refuge of Light
Shared Hope International

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