While the Senate is in the final debates of the comprehensive S.744 Immigration Reform bill, the discrimination of same-sex spouses may now end. Yesterday, the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, DOMA, which has changed the debate about immigration. The AIC notes that “for far too long, gay and lesbian U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents have been barred from obtaining immigration status for their noncitizen spouses. As a result, families have been separated and spouses of U.S. citizens and permanent residents have been deported from the United States.” The AIC has applauded the court’s decision and separated couples can look forward to reunions. However around the world, same sex couples do not enjoy these rights universally. President Obama even clashed with the President of Senegal when the Senagalese leader said that the country was “not ready to decriminalize homosexuality.” Homosexuality is still illegal in over 70 countries.
For more information about the impact the Court’s decision might have on an individual case, click here.