If there was a photo of what it means to go above and beyond, it would be a photo of Alicia Carrizales. Even after the students leave, Alicia Carrizales stays. She wipes down the table tops, she collects all the supplies, she even takes the trash out.
Pinched nerves, inclement weather – nothing keeps Alicia away from her volunteering spots at HRI.
“I absolutely love what I do. Sometimes, it may start off as a challenge, but for me it is a pleasure to see that light in our students’ eyes when a concept is understood – practiced, used, and mastered.”
Alicia’s students seemed to be just as dedicated as she is. “They are amazing and so willing to learn. New books or subjects are accepted, questioned, and used! I love that. I love these adult learners. Come rain or shine, they motivate me to run out and do my job.”
HRI’ Social Services Department is lucky to have Alicia’s attention. We are utterly thankful for her presence.
Would you like to volunteer for HRI? We have a plethora of positions and tasks. Check in today!