(click here to hear from HRI’s Executive Director, Bill Holston!)
Every year about this time, we send out a financial appeal to friends like you. There’s a good reason for the timing. It’s almost the Fourth of July. And the mission of HRI closely aligns with the best of what the United States aspires to be.
Our country has always claimed to be a place of refuge for others, even though it has not always lived up to that. The promise of living an authentic life free from persecution, abuse, or neglect, is something our clients all strive for and something that we fight alongside them to achieve. We celebrate the joy of our clients as green cards and work authorizations are granted, as asylum trials are won, as families are made safe.
As we celebrate the past, we must look to the future where the dignity of our clients is recognized, and our nation lives up to our ideals. We have a long way to go to achieve this, but we know we can change one life at a time. We can make a difference today.
Your financial support is crucial to this important work. Please give generously.
Click here and take a look at our clients, staff, and mission in action!