United Nations’ International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

“Torture is a vicious attempt at breaking a person’s will. On this International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, I urge all States to end impunity for perpetrators and eradicate these reprehensible acts that defy our common humanity. ” — UN Secretary-General António Guterres

What is Torture?

Currently in our own country, the administration is  holding children in deplorable conditions at the border: without diapers, without baths, without toothbrushes, and without the medicine that they need. In courts of law, the administration is arguing that this is fine; that these children can sleep on cold, bare, concrete floors, covered in nothing but aluminum blankets, as florescent lights glare down on them. We are told that its too radical to question the 7 detained kids who succumbed to death while being ‘held’ or after being detained at the border.

What is Torture?

For most children traveling to the U.S., trauma at home is the reason for their journey. During a months-long trip northward, many women in particular experience sexual assault and violence, physical violence, and extortion, and many of the children with these mothers witness or experience the same violence. When children arrive at the border, most are already carrying with them several layers of trauma, and detention itself can produce another layer.  As a result, these children are in a state of toxic stress — prolonged and acute levels of stress response – which can have profound and long-lasting effects on their health and wellness.

What is Torture?

These children are being stripped of every shred of trust, humanity and dignity. These children are being degraded. These children are being punished for circumstances beyond their control. Why? Are these children less than our children? Are these children less than your children?

What is Torture?

Torture seeks to annihilate the victim’s personality and denies the inherent dignity of the human being (United Nations).

This is Torture.

Stop arguing language and meaning and semantics of political gain, of elections, of which party did what to whom – Look at what we have on our hands: Cruelty and Injustice. Ask yourself what you believe in and why. Ask yourself what you can do that is human and good and right.

Today is International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, with a view to the total eradication of torture and the effective functioning of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. What shall we do to eradicate Torture? What shall we do to stand up against Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment?

We could start right at home.  

For the past 19 years, Human Rights Initiative has relentlessly provided 100% free legal and social services to vulnerable refugees and immigrants. We believe in our constitution and uphold the word of law. We believe that immigrant rights are human rights and that families belong together. We believe in humanity, justice and freedom to pursue happiness. The greatest happiness is freedom. HRI puts freedom first.

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