HRI Creates Online Campaign To Fortify Our Most Vulnerable Clients

Along with the rest of the world, HRI has been watching the COVID-19 situation as it evolves. Each passing day brings new developments and challenges as under the best circumstances, HRI navigates in what way to seek safety and shelter for our clients. We at HRI recognize how stressful these times are, and we share your concerns. 

We are reminded of just how critical it is to support one another during these challenging times. We are in awe of the many ways individuals have rallied to bolster unity and understanding. 

HRI’s community is not just a number saturated on the borders, figures detained in camps or court appearances — they are parents, sons and daughters; they are students, food and agricultural workers and our healthcare heroes who stand in the face of crises and aid others to ensure crucial services are still accessible and functioning for us all. We thank our medical professionals, public servants, and agricultural workers who are keeping our community safe, nourished and healthy during this time when our world is being deeply affected.

Our clients are some of the most resilient people we have ever met, yet this crisis has hit our communities most vulnerable the hardest due to the fact they

  • Have experienced human rights abuse and a traumatic journey to reach our border
  • Live below 150% of the federal poverty guidelines
  • Have limited English proficiency and far from family and social support
  • Are ineligible for social safety nets like most American citizens such as health insurance, employment leave, federal food assistance

HRI has always strived to serve our clients with respect and dignity. We believe no barrier should stand in the way of seeking peace as they rebuild their lives after trauma and safety in their new home here in Dallas.

HRI believes the best way to serve our clients is to advocate and use our platform to bridge their words into our community here in Dallas. Our clients have turned to us during the most difficult times, and we turn to you, our community asking to make a difference. Nothing is more patriotic than joining together, lending a hand to our neighbor.

Here are a few ways HRI’s community is coming together (virtually):

  • Help families afford adequate food and sanitizing products
  • Help a student remain connected and ensure learning goes uninterrupted
  • Help a family afford adequate medical treatment
  • Help families who do are not fortunate to be covered by employment benefits remain afloat as employers and businesses close and cut hours back.

We have an online campaign to fortify our efforts to keep our immigrant and refugee clients afloat:

At HRI we thoroughly believe that we are all One. It is in times of strife and heartbreak that the true character of a people rises. We hope that if you have resources to spare, you’ll help us support our clients who are vulnerable to unemployment, food shortages, lack of medical care, and the ongoing assault on our immigration system–as of today, deportations continue. Immigrant survivors are resourceful people who have overcome tremendous hardships, but HRI’s clients will be hit harder by current challenges than most.

Therefore, if you can, please consider giving a little hope to the tired, the poor – the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Stand with us and don’t let despair win.

Thank you.

Gracias. شكرا لكم धन्यवाद Merci.

(HRI’s Social Services Director, Elisandra De La Cruz, contributed to this post.)

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